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Just Eat It

In our Black communities across the United States, we are suffering from what some call “Food Deserts” or neighborhoods where even if people wanted to eat healthy, they can’t because there are no grocery stores or restaurants close to them that have healthy options. This leads to terrible health problems and makes people in these communities, many who have poor access to health care, feel like they are poisoning themselves.Luckily, there is a current movement to combat this and nonprofits like Appetite For Change in North Minneapolis are being created to provide tools to create healthy communities through cooking workshops and organized efforts toward food justice. AFC teamed up with the #BeatsandRhymesCrew, the same rap group that created the Hot Cheetos and Takis song a couple of years ago that reached national fame with currently over 14 million YouTube views, and are now flipping the script and addressing those same junk foods that are hurting our communities.The song entitled, “Grow Food” follows the kids through the North Side of Minneapolis where they drop some GRADE A bars about growing their own food and shining a light on food inequities in America. “See in my hood there ain’t really much to eat. Popeyes on the corner, McDonald’s right across the street. All this talk about guns and the drugs, pretty serious, but look at what they feeding ya’ll that’s what’s really killin us.” The song even gives a shout out to Michelle Obama giving her props for speaking out and using her platform to encourage everyone in America to eat better. This song is a Banger. The North Side of Minneapolis just came through for the WIN on this one. #17thsoulja #BlackIG17th #healthiswealth Now #juju on that beet ??????????

A photo posted by @17thsoulja4 on

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Madame President Gone

Hillary Clinton

We are saddened not to be able to welcome you into office. We are devastated that you did not stop a narcissistic racist from obtaining the highest office in the land.

As you of all people know, we are not terrorist, nor have we ever been throughout history. However, contrary to many other socially conscious organizations representing the rights and needs of minority populations, we are not against using violence to achieve our objectives–all of which should ultimately be granted us and all US citizens constitutionally, respectively. But we all know thats not how things work.

It is our intention to support the nation to the best of our abilities provided of course the next administration is forthright and committed to the advancement of all minority communities in this great land of ours.

Fingers crossed.


Albert Woodfox Speaks His Truth

Albert Woodfox, a founding Black Panther member and the last living member of the renown Angola 3, speaks about the cruelty of solitary confinement, which he suffered for 44 years due to trumped up charges in a Louisiana prison.

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UN Says US Owes Us Money

It’s no secret. It’s just somehow more ‘true’ when the UN gets involved.

The United States should give African Americans reparations for slavery, UN experts said Tuesday, warning that the country had not yet confronted its legacy of “racial terrorism.”

Amid a presidential election campaign in which racial rhetoric has played a central role, the UN working group on people of African descent warned that blacks in the US were facing a “human rights crisis.”

This has largely been fuelled by impunity for police officers who have killed a series of black men — many of them unarmed — across the country in recent months, the working group’s report said.

Those killings “and the trauma they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynchings,” said the report, which was presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday.

Addressing the deeper causes of America’s racial tensions, the experts voiced concern over the unresolved “legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality.”

“There has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent,” the report said.

Working group chairman Ricardo A. Sunga told reporters that the panel believed several models of reparations could work in the US context, including “elements of apology” and a form of “debt relief” to the descendants of enslaved people.

Asked about the campaign and accusations that Republican nominee Donald Trump has made racially inflammatory remarks, Sunga voiced alarm over “hate speech…xenophobia (and) Afrophobia.”

“We are very troubled that these are on the rise,” he added, without naming Trump specifically but calling on officials and “even candidates” to watch their words.

Trump and his camp have denied all racism charges.

In the campaign’s first debate on Monday, Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton accused Trump of launching his campaign on the “racist lie” that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

The UN working group visited the several US states in January before producing their final report.

Read original article…

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God Help Us All

We cannot figure out why the hell the Republican Party has an elephant as their political symbol. It is proven time and again that they have no memory whatsoever particularly when related to their own wrong doings. Does the great recession, Iraq war, Afghanistan ring any bells? Oh, and that little event called 9/11?

Just blame it on the Brother…


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Written by TBPP Contributor, Jess

Beautiful Black King
Do you realize who you are?
Do you know your name?
Do you understand why they hate you so?
One of the most complex creations to be placed on this Earth
Shades so diverse, the world stands in awe
Kinky hair serves as cushion for your crown
Hope and determination shine bright from your eyes
Full lips relay messages of truth, knowledge and wisdom
With your arms you protect, build, and comfort
Legs, sinewy like tree trunks, stand firm
Your back is broad and strong, like our ancestors slaving for a false master
The white man is not your master
Never truly was
God is your Master
This world can’t break you
Although it tried to make you
Yet it did not create you… Your design is divine
He knew who you would be
Where you would be
And why you would be
So wear your crown with pride
Hold your head high
Be steady in your gait
Speak with confidence
Love with your full emotion
Live with passion…
Trust in your existence because you were meant to be
Beautiful Black King

Ode To Oather

The world has lost one of its great social soldiers. A man who lived a Christian life by definition. A loving husband, father, sibling and friend. After 95 years the earth says goodbye to the late, great Oather M Jones.

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