Please Donate This Day

Our partners at Grassroots Law Project launched the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission along with the district attorneys of San Francisco, Boston, and Philadelphia. We truly believe this can change the game – because we’re no longer trying to “reform” our justice systems. Our goal is to replace them.

Grassroots law project logo

Now that we’re about half-way through this month, we need to make sure the budget is strong enough for the work ahead by this Friday.

Right now, important strategy sessions are happening behind the scenes so that these commissions can begin investigating and ruling on cases of police brutality and racial injustice soon.

But each local commission will take about $1 million per year to run. We’re counting on grassroots contributions from people like you to make it happen.

Can you chip in before our mid-month budget deadline on Friday? Please make your best gift to help our Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission begin investigating and ruling on cases of injustice.

Contribute $3

It’s important that our fundraising doesn’t slow down now. There’s too much on the line. This work needs to be well-funded to succeed.

We’re assessing our best next steps along with our budget right now, so that’s why you contributing before Friday matters so much.


Open post

Justice For Darius Tarver

Here we go again people! Today we need you to know about Darius Tarver.

He had just suffered a serious head injury from a near-fatal car accident. He needed medical attention. Instead, Denton, TX police shot and killed him. It’s heartbreaking and infuriating.

Add your name to demand justice for Darius Tarver. We need a major public outcry right now.

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Darius was confused and seriously injured. He was trying to unscrew the lights in his apartment, but he broke them. His neighbors called the police – who then killed him.

Darius had a bright future ahead of him. He was on the dean’s list at UNT and set to graduate in the spring with a criminal justice major. 

He should’ve received help from a mental health care professional. Instead, he was met with violence.

It took weeks of demands from Darius’s father, Kevin Tarver, and community leaders for the Denton Police Department to release footage of the incident. 

It’s now clear that the Denton PD tased and shot him while he was standing completely still. They missed multiple opportunities to safely arrest him.

The four officers must get fired and charged for Darius’s murder. An independent special prosecutor must investigate the case. And the Department of Justice must fulfill the promise to launch a federal investigation.

Demand justice for Darious Tarver right now. If enough people speak up, we could make the difference in this case.

Please support Grassroots Law today!

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Demand Federal Investigations

As you know, we live in the deadliest police culture in the world.

Our partners had the opportunity to speak along with families who lost loved ones at the hands of police (and perpetrators protected by police) to officials at the highest levels of our federal government recently. We got a promise from Attorney General William Barr and Donald Trump to launch federal investigations into these murders.

But their promise means very little until there is tangible action. And we all know how much is it ministration lies. That’s why we need you and thousands of other people across the country to demand that they launch investigations, immediately.

Add your name right now to demand federal investigations into the murders of Botham Jean, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Dean, Darius Tarver, Jemel Roberson, Cameron Lamb, Antwon Rose, Everett Palmer, and Atatiana Jefferson.

Add your name

Some of these families have been fighting for justice for years. It has been deeply exhausting and painful. All the more reason to fight with them. This war against Black and Brown people won’t stop unless we demand it.

Ultimately, you can support our partners Grassroots Law Project with a monetary contribution.


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Grassroots Law Project

Looking to become an active advocate for change? Join our Grassroots Law Volunteer Team today!

Grassroots Law Project

In the battle for the radical transformation of our policing and justice systems, numbers really do matter.

Communities are coming together to advocate for true and long-lasting justice transformation. We’re advocating to hold law enforcement accountable, get justice for families, and pass life-saving policies. But we can’t do it without you.

Will you join our Grassroots Law Volunteer Team to help us fight for a true and effective transformation of policing and justice in America?

Since the launch of this organizing initiative, nearly 60,000 people have signed up to volunteer, and this number is growing every day.

With the help of their hard work, we’ve banded together to log cases of police brutality and misconduct, track local policies currently being proposed so we can support those changes, pressure elected officials to commit to our pledge – and we made 154,000 phone calls to help pass Breonna’s Law in Louisville to ban dangerous no-knock warrants.


The work and research of our volunteer team will continue to serve as invaluable tools to achieve real change. We have to maintain our momentum, which means we’re going to need as many passionate people as possible fighting for the radical transformation we deserve.

Thanks Woke White Folks

Y’all don’t get enough praise during these trying times and it should be noted that our community deeply appreciates your love and continued support fighting for equality and justice for ALL!

However, we will not yet discontinue the #WhitePeopleKindaSuck hashtag simply because there is a substantial and disturbing percentage of white people that are clearly not supporting this movement or acknowledging that there is a problem. Thus, you do still kind of suck.

You are all inevitably related in someway—be it directly, distant cousins, in-laws or whatever. It is your responsibility to address these issues and not ours. it’s your mess to clean up. We have simply had enough.

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