Demand Federal Investigations

As you know, we live in the deadliest police culture in the world.

Our partners had the opportunity to speak along with families who lost loved ones at the hands of police (and perpetrators protected by police) to officials at the highest levels of our federal government recently. We got a promise from Attorney General William Barr and Donald Trump to launch federal investigations into these murders.

But their promise means very little until there is tangible action. And we all know how much is it ministration lies. That’s why we need you and thousands of other people across the country to demand that they launch investigations, immediately.

Add your name right now to demand federal investigations into the murders of Botham Jean, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Dean, Darius Tarver, Jemel Roberson, Cameron Lamb, Antwon Rose, Everett Palmer, and Atatiana Jefferson.

Add your name

Some of these families have been fighting for justice for years. It has been deeply exhausting and painful. All the more reason to fight with them. This war against Black and Brown people won’t stop unless we demand it.

Ultimately, you can support our partners Grassroots Law Project with a monetary contribution.


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