Congratulations Monique Worrell

Monique Worrell, a brilliant and brave long-time activist for justice, just won her race to become the State Attorney for Orange and Osceola Counties in Florida!!! THANK YOU to everyone who supported her race.

Monique will instantly become one of the single most important leaders and voices in the nation when it comes to radically changing the justice and legal system from the inside out. This is more proof that supporting candidates matters, and that these elections are winnable. 

Local prosecutors have incredible power in our justice systems. They decide whether to charge and prosecute cases. When a person is found guilty, they recommend a sentence.

But right now, the majority of prosecutors in America are white and funded by police groups. We’re changing that, but we can’t do it without you.

Real Justice has helped many local prosecutors win their races now, but each victory is hard-fought. We’re only able to do it with the help of a national network of people like you who donate or volunteer. On top of mobilizing donors and volunteers, Real Justice also contributes to races directly to help campaigns contact more voters, identifies opportunities to oust bad prosecutors, and does the work of recruiting good ones – especially public defenders – to run.

Once these prosecutors are elected, the fight isn’t over. Powerful actors who will do anything to maintain the racist status quo are constantly attacking the authority of these new, transformative leaders.

Let’s celebrate this victory, and then keep fighting!

Learn more about supporting REAL JUSTICE.

125 Days Dead

It’s been 125 days since Breonna Taylor was killed by police in the middle of the night in her own apartment. We have organized hard. And still, the cops are free.

That’s why @UntilFreedom organizers, @TheBLKPanthers and activists like you are preparing to take demands for justice to the next level through civil disobedience.

Will you stand in solidarity with protestors on the ground by making phone calls? Please dial 502-735-1784 to tell key decision-makers that the police who murdered Breonna Taylor must be arrested immediately.

CALL 502-735-1784

This action will be even more powerful if we’re backed up by people all across the country echoing our demand: arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor now.

Call 502-735-1784 now. Ask to speak to a real person. Leave a message if you need to. Let’s get justice for Breonna Taylor and her family.

P.S. Follow the action on the ground at @UntilFreedom and @GrassrootsLaw.

CALL 502-735-1784

Open post

Justice For Darius Tarver

Here we go again people! Today we need you to know about Darius Tarver.

He had just suffered a serious head injury from a near-fatal car accident. He needed medical attention. Instead, Denton, TX police shot and killed him. It’s heartbreaking and infuriating.

Add your name to demand justice for Darius Tarver. We need a major public outcry right now.

Add your name

Darius was confused and seriously injured. He was trying to unscrew the lights in his apartment, but he broke them. His neighbors called the police – who then killed him.

Darius had a bright future ahead of him. He was on the dean’s list at UNT and set to graduate in the spring with a criminal justice major. 

He should’ve received help from a mental health care professional. Instead, he was met with violence.

It took weeks of demands from Darius’s father, Kevin Tarver, and community leaders for the Denton Police Department to release footage of the incident. 

It’s now clear that the Denton PD tased and shot him while he was standing completely still. They missed multiple opportunities to safely arrest him.

The four officers must get fired and charged for Darius’s murder. An independent special prosecutor must investigate the case. And the Department of Justice must fulfill the promise to launch a federal investigation.

Demand justice for Darious Tarver right now. If enough people speak up, we could make the difference in this case.

Please support Grassroots Law today!

Add your name

Grassroots Law Project

Looking to become an active advocate for change? Join our Grassroots Law Volunteer Team today!

Grassroots Law Project

In the battle for the radical transformation of our policing and justice systems, numbers really do matter.

Communities are coming together to advocate for true and long-lasting justice transformation. We’re advocating to hold law enforcement accountable, get justice for families, and pass life-saving policies. But we can’t do it without you.

Will you join our Grassroots Law Volunteer Team to help us fight for a true and effective transformation of policing and justice in America?

Since the launch of this organizing initiative, nearly 60,000 people have signed up to volunteer, and this number is growing every day.

With the help of their hard work, we’ve banded together to log cases of police brutality and misconduct, track local policies currently being proposed so we can support those changes, pressure elected officials to commit to our pledge – and we made 154,000 phone calls to help pass Breonna’s Law in Louisville to ban dangerous no-knock warrants.


The work and research of our volunteer team will continue to serve as invaluable tools to achieve real change. We have to maintain our momentum, which means we’re going to need as many passionate people as possible fighting for the radical transformation we deserve.

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