125 Days Dead

It’s been 125 days since Breonna Taylor was killed by police in the middle of the night in her own apartment. We have organized hard. And still, the cops are free.

That’s why @UntilFreedom organizers, @TheBLKPanthers and activists like you are preparing to take demands for justice to the next level through civil disobedience.

Will you stand in solidarity with protestors on the ground by making phone calls? Please dial 502-735-1784 to tell key decision-makers that the police who murdered Breonna Taylor must be arrested immediately.

CALL 502-735-1784

This action will be even more powerful if we’re backed up by people all across the country echoing our demand: arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor now.

Call 502-735-1784 now. Ask to speak to a real person. Leave a message if you need to. Let’s get justice for Breonna Taylor and her family.

P.S. Follow the action on the ground at @UntilFreedom and @GrassrootsLaw.

CALL 502-735-1784

Open post

Justice For Darius Tarver

Here we go again people! Today we need you to know about Darius Tarver.

He had just suffered a serious head injury from a near-fatal car accident. He needed medical attention. Instead, Denton, TX police shot and killed him. It’s heartbreaking and infuriating.

Add your name to demand justice for Darius Tarver. We need a major public outcry right now.

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Darius was confused and seriously injured. He was trying to unscrew the lights in his apartment, but he broke them. His neighbors called the police – who then killed him.

Darius had a bright future ahead of him. He was on the dean’s list at UNT and set to graduate in the spring with a criminal justice major. 

He should’ve received help from a mental health care professional. Instead, he was met with violence.

It took weeks of demands from Darius’s father, Kevin Tarver, and community leaders for the Denton Police Department to release footage of the incident. 

It’s now clear that the Denton PD tased and shot him while he was standing completely still. They missed multiple opportunities to safely arrest him.

The four officers must get fired and charged for Darius’s murder. An independent special prosecutor must investigate the case. And the Department of Justice must fulfill the promise to launch a federal investigation.

Demand justice for Darious Tarver right now. If enough people speak up, we could make the difference in this case.

Please support Grassroots Law today!

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Demand Federal Investigations

As you know, we live in the deadliest police culture in the world.

Our partners had the opportunity to speak along with families who lost loved ones at the hands of police (and perpetrators protected by police) to officials at the highest levels of our federal government recently. We got a promise from Attorney General William Barr and Donald Trump to launch federal investigations into these murders.

But their promise means very little until there is tangible action. And we all know how much is it ministration lies. That’s why we need you and thousands of other people across the country to demand that they launch investigations, immediately.

Add your name right now to demand federal investigations into the murders of Botham Jean, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Dean, Darius Tarver, Jemel Roberson, Cameron Lamb, Antwon Rose, Everett Palmer, and Atatiana Jefferson.

Add your name

Some of these families have been fighting for justice for years. It has been deeply exhausting and painful. All the more reason to fight with them. This war against Black and Brown people won’t stop unless we demand it.

Ultimately, you can support our partners Grassroots Law Project with a monetary contribution.


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